How Cryptocurrency works, Wallets, Exchanges, Airdrops, and many more
This is a Cryptocurrency beginner's course as well as Cryptocurrency Trading course in Hindi. This course will teach you Crypto from scratch as well as Trading from scratch.
This course is very different from other courses, because I have experience many basic difficulties in the initial days which have helped me to learn and explore this technology more. This has helped me to learn from very basics and learnt from my mistakes. I don't want anyone to repeat the same mistakes that I have made. So I have made sure that I cover them in this course.
I have been following Cryptocurrency since 2014.
I have learned from my own mistakes and setbacks. I want to use my experience
and share maximum technical knowledge in a simple way. I am an expert in Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrency
is already a complex technology, so I try to explain in a simple way and
sometimes with Graphics too.
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