Let’s Inspire Bihar is a voluntary social, cultural and ed-ucational initiative that seeks to promote and work upon the themes of Education, Egalitarianism and Entrepreneur-ship in order to contribute towards the establishment of a better future for Bihar. It aims to connect such committed individuals, who have on a voluntary basis opted to contrib-ute towards future building on any of the core themes. The inspiration emanating from Bihar's magnificent heritage, which since the most ancient times had made its mark felt in the then contemporary world, is the main driving force behind the initiative. As one proudly recalls the past of Bi-har, as a land of knowledge, as a land of military might with egalitarian political traditions and as a land of entrepre-neurship, the initiative seeks to encourage the present gen-eration to ponder over the reasons which had once brought such glory and also to brainstorm upon the reasons respon-sible for the decline with time in the process of natural evo-lution of the land, which once led the entire nation, that had its boundaries more widespread than the present day. The initiative thus promotes the need to learn from the broadminded and foresighted vision of such illustrious an-cestors, who only due to such vision and energy with syner-gy, could achieve so much at a time when available re-sources and infrastructure like roads, means of transport and communication were dismal and technology was still not as developed as the present day. It is with such under-standing that the zeal to contribute towards future building would emerge from within, since it is important that the cumulative energy should be channelised in proper direction for desired results. The initiative is based upon sharing the understanding and the inspiration and in motivating each other further in the wake of difficult times to prepare with faith, grit and determination for the future.
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